L/S-1000 Steel Shot Bushings
Before going any further - these are the L/S-1000 STEEL SHOT BUSHINGS they will only fit on the L/S-1000 Machine L/S-1000 STEEL SHOT BUSHINGS Part # LS1000S__ then the # bushing you are getting Please check the L/S-1000 Steel Shot Bushing Chart below. This is not a loading table, but rather a chart based on relative hole sizes, showing the approximate number of ounces dropped by Ponsness/Warren L/S-1000 Shot Bushings. When ordering, please use the bushing number on the left side of the chart. Important: When loading steel shot you can not use the same shot bushings used for lead shot. Never use a steel-shot bushing to throw lead shot charges. This will result in an over-charge of lead shot, which may reult in serious injury or death to persons and damage to firearms or property. These bushings are for the L/S-1000 only. They are a bigger bushing and will not fit any other machine. If you are looking for bushing to load steel shot for your Duomatic 375, 900 Series, 950 Elite, Plat2000 or 800 Series machine please refer to the regular Shot Bushings and look at the chart to see which bushing you need. If you are still not sure please give us call and we will be glad to help find what you need. Steel Shot only Steel Shot Weight of Steel Shot Bushing # Steel Shot Size S1 7/8oz. 3-5 S2 7/8oz. 6-8 S3 1oz. BB-2 S4 1oz. 3-5 S5 1oz. 6-8 S6 1-1/8oz. BB-2 S7 1-1/8oz. 3-5 S8 1-1/8oz. 6-8 S9 1-1/4oz. BB-2 S10 1-1/4oz. 3-5 S11 1-1/4oz. 6-8 S12 1-3/8oz. BB-2 S13 1-3/8oz. 3-5 S14 1-3/8oz. 6-8 S15 1-1/2oz. BB-2 S16 1-1/2oz. 3-5 S17 1-1/2oz. 6-8 S18 1-5/8oz. BB-2 S19 1-5/8oz. 3-5